









 そして、先日ザンプロ隊員が集合して、山田さんの送別会+歓迎会が開かれました!!山田さんは私の前任であり、ザンプロ参加のきっかけを頂いた方でもあって、私にとって、とても縁深い方なんです。今回の後任の引き継ぎに関しても本当にお世話になっています。山田さんや皆さんに久しぶりにお会いして、本当に皆さんお変わりなくお元気で、でもザンビアで再会していることに不思議な感覚がしました。そんな会の中、色々話を聞くうちに、ザンビア事情含め本当に色々なことが分かりました()やっぱり、先輩隊員って先輩です() すごいですね~、見習わなきゃなと。そこで食べた中華の鍋もおいしかったし、本当に楽しい会になりました。



Baba and Iwasaki Lab Members Challenged to Think Deeper and Differently

The winter season is on, with without snow, Baba lad members had a different way of starting 2010 after ending 2009 with a `Bonenkai `party. This time the members together with members from Prof. Iwasaki lab had brave the cold weather in order to attend an International Workshop of Mathematics Education at the Hiroshima International Plaza in Higashi Hiroshima, Japan.

The renown international presenters where Prof. Nerida. F. Ellerton and Prof M.A. (Ken) Clemets a couple from Illinois State University in the United States of America. From within, Japan, experienced professors who gave presentations were Prof. Takuya Baba, Hiroshima University, Socially Open Ended Approach and Critical Mathematics Education and Prof. Hiro Ninomiya, Saitama University, A study on Meta-assessment in Mathematics Education. During the same occasion doctor and master students presented their research papers such as; How did a grade 5 Student Solve Number Bricks in the Process of Adaptation of Substantial Learning Environment in Mathematics Class in Zambia by Nagisa Shibya, An Investigation into Students` Misconception in Linear Equations and Functions in Malawian Schools Secondary Schools by Florence Thomo Mwamba. Other presentations came from Yusuke Shinno, On the Dual Relationship between Cognitive and Social Processes of Conceptual Cjange: a Theoretical Consideration based on the Nature of Mathematics, Yoshitaka Abe, Curriculum Constituting Principle for Fostering Mathematics Literacy and Levi Estenan Elipane (Tokyo Gakugei University ) Implication of Lesson Study Towards the Achievements of Standards for Mathematics Teachers Education in the Philippines.

All the papers were interesting and inspiring to the participants as they offered opportunity for members to think deeper and differently. Prof Ellerton and Prof.Clements from USA presented two papers entitled The 5-R Model for Improving Pre-Service Teachers` Competence and Confidence in mathematics and another Hidden Weakness Inherent in `Apparently Excellent ` Lesson Plans for Mathematics Classes. While noting that, all the papers presented during the entire period were interesting, I would like to reflect on paper entitled co- presented the Professors from USA entitled Hidden Weakness Inherent in `Apparently Excellent ` Lesson Plans for Mathematics Classes. In their paper whose aim was to make the participants reflect on the proposition that the new territory in Mathematics education hides dangers. They argued that associated with all so –called `progress` are hidden dangers and it often takes many years for such to be indentified, neutralized or worked upon to advantage.

Their presentation showed the historical development of mathematics from the 12 centaury to date. Related to Japanese history of Mathematics education, the lesson study which seemed to them to be a perfect example was worth analyzing and the following questions were raised for the researchers to seriously reflect on as a way of indentifying hidden dangers;

1.Has there been much research on the effectiveness of Lesson Study in which randomized trials have been used and if so has this research generated data that can be satisfactorily analysed, so that strong generalisation can be reached?

2.Is there much Cognitive emptying in Japanese mathematics classroom? At which levels, and how do you know?

3.To what extent did Japan participate in New Math? Did Japan introduce intergrating themes like sets, functions, algebraic structure and transformation geometry? If `YES` did these themes remain in Japanese school mathematics curricula? Was there ever a pendulum backswing `` to the basics`` in school mathematics in Japan?

4.How did Japanese education authorities react to the findings that many Japanese schoolchildren did not like mathematics? What happened on this matter during the first decade of the twenty-first century?

5.Can you think of any (hidden) weaknesses associated with the wide-scale application of Lesson Study that time and experience are now revealing?

This is indeed a challenge for all of us to think deeper and differently.


Happy New Year

From 31st of December it started very cold in Japan . I think it’s colder than last few years. Anyway, New Year Day in Japan it’s a kind of big festival. Most of the Japanese people go back to their home town and spend few days together with parents and meet with relatives. Most of the shops and super markets are closed in Higashi Hiroshima.

In Bangladesh we have this kind of festival but that is not in New Year. We called that Festival is EID, November. On the EID day we enjoy a lot.

M2 Asad