According to my
feelings, my final presentation was little bit different than previous other
presentations. In final presentation, most important think was to prepare presentation
slides because of time limitation. But I tried my best to prepare every slide
carefully and arrange logically discussing with some of our resourceful lab
members. My presentation in JASME also was a good opportunity for me to take preparation
for final presentation. Another most important preparation was practice presentation
and getting feedback from Baba sensei. I am really grateful to sensei for his
intensive attention in my practice presentation and valuable suggestions. I
think I was well prepared for my final presentation. Before my presentation I
was little bit worried and felt presser but I was hopeful and confident about
my presentation because of my preparation.
During my presentation I did not lose my
confident. Beside this I tried to read the facial expression of the senses and
other audience. After presentation I didn’t feel happy, because I missed 1 slide
to present within allocated time. I received only two questions from two senses.
Their questions were not difficult for me to answer. I felt happy after getting
some good comments about my presentation from Baba sensei and some other senses
after afterward.
I do
feel proud as members of Baba lab. I am highly pleased to sensei and all of the
members in our lab for their cordial supports, valuable comments and
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