Long time no writing, I am MaSA. This January has passed madly. I had WS of Rwandan, International Math WS, Post-Internship presentation of Gecbo, APEID, Visiting lecture, Nishihuji trip, TOEIC test, Meeting with Rwandan and so forth. In fact, almost all of them are my private business… And I gonna visit Kenya for my field research in the end of this month. Nowadays, I reaffirmed the importance of “Connection and Relationship among people” through these events. At the same instance, I asked myself that how much I can leave a deep impression of mine for people whom I meet, it is so-called charisma or human attractive force?? This question is getting more important for me because I started job hunting a bit. Anyway, Rwandans I met after so long remenber me clearly. They called me Masanba which was my Rwanda name. We passed so joyful time to talk in Kinyarwanda and to talk about Rwanda, then the time reminds me of the original intention which I had when I came back to Japan from Rwanda. I also met other Rwandan in HIP who came to Sapporo for the training and just came to Hiroshima for 3 days. He bothered to call me so as to meet, then we met there only some minites. I really like him, I named him Denjiro after the name of the famous scientist in Japan. He could make some experimental materials by himself to use local materials around, wich rocked me in Rwanda. He was a science teacher with good creativeness, and now is working for Ministry of Education in Rwanda. Recently, I emailed to my Kenyan friend who worked with me in secondary school in Rwanda, and informed about my visiting Kenya. He is tremendously kind, he told that he can arrange taxi from Airport in order to avoid rip-off taxi price, and he told me also he can arrange the accommodation for me in reasonable price,,,, oh is it too kind?? However I can trust him because of the time that we spent together in Rwanda. When I see him again, I am looking forward to talking more deeply about Education than we talked in Rwanda. Moreover, thanks to the willing cooperation by many people to my research in Kenya, for example SMASE expert whom I met in the 3rd country training, JICA concerned whom I met in Hiroshima and so on, I think I can conduct my research smoothly. I am really appriciate to them. They all are given by the “Connection and Relationship among people” Through IDEC, Internship and other events so on, now we have friends all over the wold, which is splendid beyond any description. お久しぶりです。松山です。 すべては過去からつながる「繋がり」によるもの。IDECやJICAインターン、その前のことも色々通して、世界中に仲間がいる。なんかすごく素敵なことだなと思います。
Swift January
月曜日, 2月 08, 2010
ラベル: Daily story, 松山 匡延
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