Jambo, hujambo, hamjambo, Dream Jambo(宝くじ)!!
I am Masa MATSUYAMA. I came back from my field research in Kenya, and now am in Saijo. Great contrary to Nairobi in Kenya, Saijo has much snow, I am freezing… I really long for my home, Africa.
In Kenya, I think at least I completed necessary interviews and data collection for my research.
I have visited Kenya Institute of Education (KIE), Ministry of Education (MOEST), JICA Office and SMASSE project sites by Matatu (Nissan) which is common Kenyan transportation, more than 12 people are together in one small bus like TOYOTA Hi-Ace.
My old Kenya friend was waiting for my visit. When I met him in Karen, I did not feel we had not met for 2 more years. He also entered a graduate school in Kenya and is in 2nd year of Master course for studying School Management. We discussed Education a lot that I had not imagined when I was working in Rwanda with him 2 years ago.
All I knew about Kenya 2 years ago was very little, and it was renewed in this visit. Nairobi is really incredible as compared to Kigali in Rwanda and Lilongwe in Malawi. There are many skyscrapers, shops and restaurants, construction as well in Nairobi. It is so vital that people and vehicles are actively moving. Going to city always entails heavy traffic jam. However I like this hot and intricate air without any reasons and I like walking in the air under the broad sky. More I know them African things, more I think I want to work there with them. As a matter of course, I cannot say everything in Kenya is good. Some are nice, others are really bad. This is same all over the world. When I visit KIE, I was rocked by one Kenyan teacher who made some hands-on tools by himself to use local materials. He proudly explained how to use them to me. Teachers’ efforts are surely being launched in grassroots level by their own hands.

The interviews made me note some findings. Simply writing here, the connection system of Education from National Level to Curriculum Development Level and the Curriculum categories in Secondary Education are vastly different between Malawi and Kenya. Some Kenyan interviewees told the importance of Moral Education based on tradition and culture apart from their current Religion Education. Their concern is the diversification caused by some aspects such as accelerated development and globalization etc. They are facing complicated matters at once. This is the unique challenge in Africa. One author said, “If Education Reform is only subordinate to social change, it would be difficult to solve the problems by new education.” A power to change society might be called for in Education.
Education for adapting to the change of society, or Education for making change in society.
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Asante sana! Tam sana!!