We had a two-day workshop last Wednesday and Thursday.
The theme was 'Interrelation of Social Context and Math/Scientific
We received some guests from Australia, Bangladesh, China, Mongolia and
There were Mohsin san, Jin san and Oyunaa san, who are baba lab OBs/OG.
I haven't seen Mohsin san and Jin san since I started off to Zambia in
2005 and it was
really long time no see (HISASHIBURI). (Well. I met Oyunaa san in a
conference in Tokyo a couple months ago.)
When I was in the first year of the master's course, Mohsin san and Jin
san were busy with writing their thesis.
I did not imagine how difficult the work they were engaged in was at
that time.
Now I am in the same situation, writing up my doctral thesis.
They, during the reception, gave me some advice and I really enjoyed
talking to them.
All the presentations gave us some deeper consideration and the
discussions we had were really fruitful.
Everytime I take part in this sort of conferences/seminars, I ask myself
'What can mathematics education contribute to the society?''
And there are no clear answers. I am sometimes really confused, but I
have to continue to consider it.
Well, anyway, thank you(our lab members) very much for organising this
occasion and we hope to see you(OB/OG) again!

The theme was 'Interrelation of Social Context and Math/Scientific
We received some guests from Australia, Bangladesh, China, Mongolia and
There were Mohsin san, Jin san and Oyunaa san, who are baba lab OBs/OG.
I haven't seen Mohsin san and Jin san since I started off to Zambia in
2005 and it was
really long time no see (HISASHIBURI). (Well. I met Oyunaa san in a
conference in Tokyo a couple months ago.)
When I was in the first year of the master's course, Mohsin san and Jin
san were busy with writing their thesis.
I did not imagine how difficult the work they were engaged in was at
that time.
Now I am in the same situation, writing up my doctral thesis.
They, during the reception, gave me some advice and I really enjoyed
talking to them.
All the presentations gave us some deeper consideration and the
discussions we had were really fruitful.
Everytime I take part in this sort of conferences/seminars, I ask myself
'What can mathematics education contribute to the society?''
And there are no clear answers. I am sometimes really confused, but I
have to continue to consider it.
Well, anyway, thank you(our lab members) very much for organising this
occasion and we hope to see you(OB/OG) again!

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