Opportunity comes but once. It is indeed great for me to be with a great mathematician Professor Emeritus. Could you guess, who, and where? Never mind I shall tell you. This great man is my sensei’s sensei. He is the first (Japanese) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) holder in Mathematics Education in Japan (the land of the risen sun). He is Professor Hirabayashi Ichiei at Hiroshima city during Sugaku kyouiku Benkyou-kai (mathematics meeting/conference) pardon me for the translation, where I made a presentation on Impact of Teaching Strategies in Mathematics on Pupils’ Cognitive Skill at Primary School in Niger State, Nigeria. He said, he is going to die in few years to come. Isn’t it great for me to see and share a piece of word with him? I believe you will quite agree with me. Remember I am not Japanese; my nationality is Nigeria from West Africa, Hausa-Fulani by tribe and by name Fatima Jella Manu, master student at Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University Japan under supervision of Baba sensei.
金曜日, 5月 07, 2010
ラベル: Fatima Jella, Studyについて
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