
Immaculee’s birthday

It was on 27/04 where I celebrate my birthday. First of I thank God for what He has done for me and continue to do for me and my family as well. I really thank and appreciate the kindnesses for everyone who participated in that pleasure time to me especially my lab because it was surprising me to hear someone organize the party for me.I really thank every person participated in the party and your kind, advices and your supports (physicals, academics, moral and son on).

Every time you celebrate the birthday is good time to see you previous time and make self-assessment to the previous plans and achievement, if you achieve your planned goals is good and be strong and courageous to continue in such way; if you don’t’ achieve what you have plan is good time to make effort and take strong strategies to achieve your objectives. I hope I will achieve my objectives for this year I started and I strongly wish to everyone the same (successes
Lunch to Gonzalez’s House
Dinner to Belcanto House

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